14 April 2011

How Old Do You Plan to Get?

Leviticus 19:13
“Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.”

Since I plan to live to a hundred I like this nugget of wisdom. Oh, I understand, I can’t really define my life span, yet it helps me. I am well served to think seriously about my own aging. How do I want to be treated as I grow old?

Well, I want to be loved. I hope others will slow down to let me get past with my walker. I hope I won’t be laughed at for my appearance – bent over, wrinkled, wispy hair, baggy pants. I really hope that all the things I have learned won’t be sneered upon. I would like to be listened to, even if I talk too much about my past. I pray there will be someone to drive me to the doctor and take my pains seriously. I hope someone will tell me when my breath is bad or my shirt tail is out, and not embarrass me too much when they do. I really hope I won’t be in the way. I’d love to be a continuing blessing …

Take a moment and sit in your future. What you imagine is someone else’s present. Go and respect them.

Here is my short list for stepping up to the challenge of Leviticus 19:13.
  • Defer to seniors in public.
  • Practice respect in the family.
  • Honour seniors in the community.
  • Ignore the fact that a few seniors are not nice people.
  • Anticipate my own aging. 
  • Respect everyone.

  • How do you practice respect for seniors? 
  • What impedes your respect?

Enjoy this wonderful comic prayer about getting older. The fun starts about a minute and a half in.


  1. As I have now just crept past 50 and heading to old age myself I found this a timely reminder of what is to come. I read the bog with a heavy heart thinking I may have not always have given elders sufficient time and respect. This is a great reminder to watch for opportunities to invest time in those who have the wisdom of time and experience and much to share. Then to finish with such a great laugh watching the YouTube video brightened my day! Thanks Allan for sharing a wonderful blog.

  2. So timely with ageing parents. We say 'and that will be us in 30 years' but don't even want to contemplate it right now. Best advice I got recently from a NewHope friend really helped me see it in perspective. She said 'we should see it as an honor to care for our parents'. Not to mention biblical.
