03 September 2011

Who Owns the Politicians?

Psalm 47:8-9
“God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne … the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.”

Gaddafi (Libya) looks like he is finished. No sorrow there! Gillard (Australia) looks a little less secure this week than last week. She can’t seem to cop a break these days. Even the High Court is against her. Berlusconi (Italy) is “nauseated” by public life and wants out, or so the wire-tap transcripts say.

All these “kings of the earth” belong to God. Imagine that!

I read my bible this morning and this is what it said (Ps. 47:1)
“Clap your hands, all you nations:
Shout to God with cries of joy.
How awesome is the Lord Most High,
The great King over all the earth!”
That is a powerful statement of faith. It takes some courage to clap for God in Libya, Australia and Italy this morning (and most other places too). We live in a world of challenges and perplexities. Stabilising Libya’s new leadership is no small thing. Sorting out Australia’s immigration policies and fixing Europe’s economics are major challenges.

I respect just politicians who serve the people and give of their best in troubled times. But today I am reminded that “God reigns over the nations”. Today I want to clap for God and declare that he is my “refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble” (Ps. 46:1).

I wonder how often these “kings of the earth” remember that they “belong to God”. That is how Scripture positions all politicians. It is the frame of reference I bring to reading the news. This keeps me from too much worry. It prompts me to pray for politicians. And it calls ME to act for justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.

I noticed two other things this morning as I read Psalms 46 and 47.

This wonderful call to stillness (Ps. 46:10)
“Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
And this invitation to sing (Ps. 47:7)
“God is the King of all the earth;
Sing to him a psalm of praise.”
Here then, is our hope: The kings of earth belong to God! When you forget this, be still until you know again. And when you remember it, sing until others are stirred to join you.

  • What do you worry about when you read the news? How do these Psalms encourage you?
  • Do you find stillness and singing useful in the same way David did?
  • Please leave a comment.


  1. Also Isaiah 49 offers comfort that God is in control and all world powers are at his command. Verse 23 especially encourages '...Then you will know that I am the Lord, those who hope in me will not be disappointed'
    A good reminder to pray for our politicians too Allan Pam

  2. It's interesting how stillness then leads to action, as in the account of the crossing of the Red Sea. Exodus 14:13-16. He, our Lord, will certainly be exalted in the nations and in the earth. And with this in mind, we must be still before God and patiently waiting for his instructions to move on ahead - to fulfil his desires and plans of bringing all to a knowledge of his Son. Stillness is never a time of being stuck (and certainly not in the mud!) So, I wonder, what does it mean to be still and know that GOD is God?
