25 October 2013

Have Christians Done More Harm Than Good?

During the past 2000 years Christians got some things wrong, true. But they got a lot of things very, very right. 

It is said that our missionaries stole children, imposed colonialism and ran rough shod over cultures and traditions. Well, that was wrong. We all know about the Crusades and religious wars and inquisitions and narrow minded clerics. For all of that we say sorry. Very sorry!

But that is only part of it. A small part actually.

It also needs to be said that our missionaries cared for victims of the plague, built hospitals, educated young people, dug wells, empowered farmers, raised the flag for justice again and again, improved the status of women, achieved prison reform, brought hope to darkened lives and fostered peace accords. For all of this I say Hallelujah! 

Christianity has contributed to world health, human dignity, an elevation of morality, growth in charity, the birth and growth of modern science, the arts, music, literature, the calendar, the language, and the betterment of society. And all this is ongoing. 

Let's not under play what the followers of Jesus have achieved. Let's celebrate when we tell the Christian story. 

And one more point. Not everything done in the name of God is God's idea, fault or story. Christianity is a great movement. We should not be surprised if it's name and sometimes its proponents get hijacked for devilish purposes. 

I'm proud to be a Christian! It is a world changing phenomenon. It works. And there's much more to come.

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