05 July 2011

Finding the Courage to Prosper

Joshua 1:9
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Courage is putting your mission ahead of your fears. We are all afraid of many things. But when fear takes the front seat we lose direction and momentum. Having a clear passionate purpose sets you up to succeed. Fear seeks safety. Mission risks and gets results.

To get courage you must have a mission. What summit are you aiming at? What matters to you? The clearer your purpose and the more important it is to you, the greater your capacity for courage will be. If that purpose is tied to God's plans it will have even more capacity to generate courage in you.

Joshua had a purpose. Lead God's people into God's land of promise. Cross the Jordan River and establish Israel's new home. Finish what Moses began. The vision was clear and bold. And, it was a call from God.

Take time to think about your purpose. Are you seeking to leave a legacy through your art, raise Godly children, feed the poor, grow an aspect of your knowledge, develop the best business in your field, mentor a successor, etc.? Work at naming and then sharpening your purpose. Share it with someone you love. Keep at it, it may take years to polish your mission.

To keep courage you must repeatedly choose to put your fear behind your mission. Fear seems to have legs. You send it to the back of the room and before you know it, fear has taken a front seat again. When that happens it is time to re-engage with the your passion for mission. Let your destination (goals) stir you.

Joshua is instructed to meditate on God's laws day and night so he can understand his mission and obey it fully. This constant attention to God's plan was critical to his courage. God promises that this will lead to prosperity and success (Josh 1:8).  

To grow courage you need someone who will put more courage in you, someone to "en"-courage you! We all need people who will help us. Those who invest in our mission, speak well of our efforts and help us to confront and disarm fear, are friends of our courage. 

In Joshua chapter 1, God repeats the charge “Be strong and courageous!” several times. God is not simply Joshua's "boss". God is Joshua's number one fan. He keeps saying (in effect) you can do this son! He invests in the mission with Joshua.

God has the same attitude towards you. He is a champion for your life. He wants to put his courage in you. 

Know your mission, put it out in front of your fears and seek champions for that mission who will pour even more encouragement into you. Get, keep and grow COURAGE!

  • How do you foster courage in your life?
  • What does courage allow a person to do? What is the consequent of a lack of courage?
  • Please leave a comment. 


  1. How many of us can honestly say that we truly feel that we understand or feel guided or inspired (in spirit) by a bespoken God directed mission?

    I worry that my interpretation of any ordinance from God is more about my ego and less about his intent.

    My feeling is that unless you are uncomfortable and at least at times daunted or stretched by the task or mission from God then you're not living up to the expectation.

    I do not live in this space and feel weak and unworthy because of it. Am I alone?


  2. Dear M. I hear you. I too get lost sometimes between "My ego" and "His intent". The best remedy I have found is to return to the basics. I know it is always my mission to "Love God" and to "Love Others". When the details are unclear I focus on the macro-mission. It stretches me and it does give me courage. You are not alone!
