29 July 2011

Putting Legs on Your Dream

Joshua 18:3
“Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?”

I like to-do lists. They help my productivity. But the least effective dot-points on those lists are the ones that name a whole project and not a manageable action-step. Examples:
  • Visit Africa
  • Write a book
  • Learn Italian
That is what Israel was doing and it stymied them. They had a to-do list that looked like this:
  • Take possession of the land
  • Live faithfully for God
A great list, but nothing happened! The to-do list was actually a wish-list.

What big dream has God given you? Is it getting traction? Have you dreamed but never acted. Maybe you have talked about:
  • Learning to read New Testament Greek
  • Doing a mission trip
  • Planting a church
  • Starting a prayer cluster
  • Leading a small group
  • Changing your career
  • Starting some new ministry
  • Taking on a leadership role

God may be speaking Joshua 18:3 to you: “How long will you wait before you begin …?” Don’t stay stuck. Consider these five avenues of advance.

1. Decide the “next action”. Put it on your to-do list. If you can reduce the mega-project to one actionable first step (less than 30 minutes) you are on your way. Use this list to help you get started:
  • Information? Is the first step a Google search, a phone call or time to read a book?
  • Resources? Is there a tool you need to acquire or a work space you need to create?
  • Support? Do you need to recruit someone’s help?
  • Skill? What do you need to learn?
  • Motivation? Do you need to listen to a DVD, go to a seminar or talk to a pastor?
  • 2 hours? For some projects you can just put time in your diary, sit down and begin.

2. Relive the dream. Go back to the reason for the project. Remind yourself why this matters. When Israel remembered that the conquest of Canaan was actually God’s promise, they became engaged with vigour again.

3. Examine your emotional responses. Is there a sub-conscious barrier? What are you fearful of? What can you not let go of? What are you stressed about? Be honest about your emotions.

4. Seek wise counsel. Find someone with experience, buy them lunch and let them talk. Tell someone your dream and ask them to follow-up on your progress. Make yourself accountable.

5. Organise firm deadlines and great rewards. People remain motivated when they experience progress. Set targets and celebrate at intervals as your project unfolds.

Don’t procrastinate on God’s best for your life. What dream has he given you? “How long will you wait before you begin …?”

  • In what area are you most likely to procrastinate?
  • Is there an outstanding dream that you need to address today?
  • What would you add to these five avenues of advance?
  • Please leave a comment.

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